Hello welcome To NzuNzu

Hello! Welcome to my blog!
Most of you may know me as IceOrFire.
I'm using this blog to post art work that I normally just dump on photobucket, but now the world can see it and it is much easier to share!
I hope you enjoy this little blog of mine. Feel free to follow and comment on my entries!
Also here is where I post my XXX art .

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wolf family

Dia, a selfish elder sister, who always was in the spotlight, looked up to and was in great power of the pack, grew jealous of her little sister when she was born. Having to share the spotlight for once in her life she couldn't deal with so she sent Star to break one of the pack's most important rule. Kill a bear cub of the bears who lived not to far from the pack and sometimes share their hunting grounds. The bears raged, the pack had to kick Star out and give her to the bears to make up for the dead cub. Dia was happy once more, but deep down she missed her little sister.
Star on the other hand, got attacked and ran. The bears left her for dead when Kindle's and Vhen mother saved her. The two twins were only pups. Star grew up as their big sister till there was a large fire and their mother was killed. Star left to live on her own and the brothers did the same. Visiting and seeing each other here and there.


•Next in line to be Alpha
•Star's leaving changed her to be less selfish
•The golden collar shows her rank in the pack

•Doesn't hate her sister for what she did
•Controls air
•Finds it hard to trust other and rather be by herself

•More calm one, worries a lot for his brother
•Controls Earth
•Very very close to Kindle

•Blind, more reckless, can move around a bit easier then normal blind wolves by feeling heat
•hearing is great and so is smell
•controls fire