Hello welcome To NzuNzu

Hello! Welcome to my blog!
Most of you may know me as IceOrFire.
I'm using this blog to post art work that I normally just dump on photobucket, but now the world can see it and it is much easier to share!
I hope you enjoy this little blog of mine. Feel free to follow and comment on my entries!
Also here is where I post my XXX art .

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Folle Malato

Name Folle Malato (name from before she was taken in by her uncle unknown)
*Means insane, unwell
Age 18
Gender female
Past Her parents died when she was a young girl, from a car crash. The baby seat saved her life, and her cat, Dolce. Her uncle took her in, he wasn't really a nice man. He treated her as a servant, making her clean and cook for him in his home. He lived away from most people, it normally was a day travel into the city. His home was an old castle. Folle was called crazy by her uncle, unwell in the head. He changed her name. She talked a lot by herself, sometimes to her cat and normally like there is another person with her but there isn't. One day Folle tried to run away, the reason? Her cat talked to her and told her too. Her uncle, anger by that locked her up with the cat for a week. When he let her out, she had changed. Her cat was gone-his guess was that she ate it. More rats, mice and some felines started to show up since the day he let her out. A week in, to end it he tried to kill Folle but it ended in his own death. Folle had changed, gaining a catlike eye, ears and a tail. She gained a new 'friend', a strange large cat. She named him Strano, she says he keeps her sane and looks after her. He was the one who killed her uncle for her. She now lives alone in the castle, beside for the voices in her head and Strano.
Acts unwell in the head, quiet, gets scared easily and is easy to break her down and use. She is a weak girl, not too good of health. Quiet, kind young girl who doesn't know much of anything beside what she learns from Strano.

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